Our Parishes

St Mary the Virgin, Kettering.

Toller Street,  Kettering, Northamptonshire

Parish Priest: Fr. James Mowbray SSC

Tel: 01536 233489

Email: frjames78@gmail.com

St Peter & St Paul, Kings Sutton.

Church Avenue, Kings Sutton

Parish Priest: Fr. Matthew Robinson SSC

Tel: 01295 811364

Email: fathermatthew.r@icloud.com

All Saints, Northampton.

George Row, Northampton NN1 1DF

Parish Priest: Fr. Oliver Coss SSC

Tel: 01604 632845

Email: rector@allsaintsnorthampton.co.uk

St Mary the Virgin, Wellingborough.

Knox Road, Wellingborough.

Parish Priest: Fr. Robert Farmer SSC

Tel: 01933 225626

Email: vicar@stmarywellingborough.org.uk