Why join Forward in Faith in the Diocese of Peterborough?
At present in the Diocese of Peterborough four parishes are formally affiliated to Forward in Faith and the Society, but there are many individuals, scattered across the diocese, who share our views and aspirations.
Some worship in parishes that already have a woman incumbent; many others are in parishes where the majority do not accept that there is a problem about women bishops, either because they do not understand the scriptural and historical objections, or choose to ignore them.
By joining Forward in Faith you will be among kindred spirits and will receive the prayers and support of those whose views you share.
Benefits of membership
All members of Forward in Faith receive by post their own copies of our magazine New Directions, published ten times a year
The Society’s newspaper Together, published three times a year
Add to our steadily growing numbers, further strengthening our cause and ensuring that the Church of England makes adequate provision for us.
Members are encouraged to participate in the life of their local branch of Forward in Faith, for fellowship and support, and in the election of its officers and committee. They are eligible to be chosen as members of the National Assembly of Forward in Faith, which in turn elects the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen and the Council.
Click Here For FiF Membership/ Standing Order Form
Print and send the Form to our office as shown on the form